The anti-casino groups argue that being able to place bets on devices anywhere in FL and in coordination with commercial entities (parimutuels) means it's an expansion of non-tribal gaming that violates amendment 3. The tribe and state argues that since the internet servers taking the bets will all be on tribal land, it all falls under their jurisdiction. The real issue is that this new compact will allow sports bets to be placed on computers/phones anywhere in the state and allow the parimutuels to share sports betting revenue with the tribe. Not surprising the Seminoles threw ~$25 million toward this amendment's passage. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the ability of the state or Native American tribes to negotiate gaming compacts pursuant to the Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act for the conduct of casino gambling on tribal lands The amendment text specifically exempts tribes from restrictions: Important to note though that the amendment only restricts new commercial gambling to voter approval, not tribal.
Yeah, most of the legal drama will stem from 2018's Amendment 3.